Hogan's Alley

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why No Massive Pakistan Earthquake Relief Effort?

The death toll in Pakistan's Himalayan frontier are now over 73,000 and still climbing as facts are gathered from the extraordinarily isolated villages of the region. This is a mountain region and winter is fast setting in. Why has there been no massive worldwide response of governments, NGO's and individuals?

Forget the claims that the West is anti-Muslim. Our response to the largely Muslim tsunami victims of Southeast Asia was enormous and heartfelt.

Are people just exhausted from the sequence of tsunami, Katrina, Wilma and too numb to respond? Is it that we suspect that earthquakes in that region are all too frequent? I don't know, but it is sad. With Winter's approach the death toll among the homeless, injured and unaided will surely grow to one of the worst disasters in recent history.